Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada

Name: Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada
BSID: 668260
Status: active
Open Date: Feb 01, 2007

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Semestered/Non-semestered
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: Toronto Region

Address: 90 Eglinton Avenue West
City: Toronto
Postal Code: M4R2E4
Telephone: 416-481-8866

Principal Name: Zahra Zaidi
Principal Email:
Principal Start Date: Jun 07, 2019
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

Sources: File Upload, Ministry Website

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Birmingham International Collegiate of Canada

Jiyoo HAN
15 Nov, 2023

” I spend a pretty good time to study in this school. I got a lot of friends and great experiences. There are some amusing days, like Halloween and summer term, that get a rest with whole students and teachers. Also, I’m glad to have these time that I live and study abroad. “

Jaeyoon Kim
01 Nov, 2023

” Right now, on November 1st, 2023, I am a student of this institute, BICC. I studied for more than a half year from March 2023. I have experienced many qualified teachers’ lectures and good students. However, while searching things on Google, I found some absurd reviews about this school. Most students are doing well and I did not pay any extra penny for the education fee. (I did not drop a single course and pay for additional fee, which is fair.) Many students in BICC got offers from the most competitive universities in Canada and England. The teachers are nice and they really try to help students. I often visit them and talk about grades and personal troubles, and they are always welcome to help me and consider me with kindness. Haters will hate everything, even if there is nothing to blame, they will find out whatever they want to bite. “

Fauceaux Wayde
01 Nov, 2023

” BICC is a quality school that offers excellent education and guidance. Even though BICC may be smaller in size compared to other schools, it makes the bond between students very strong. Which means you can always expect helpful advice and sharing of experience & knowledge from students who are in the same position as you are. Of course, the teachers are eager to help as well. Post-secondary education must naturally be the biggest interest for the upper-grade students. Speaking as someone who has gone to multiple schools in Ontario, the guidance of this school is the most knowledgeable about college and university applications. I was impressed how the guidance of BICC actively communicate with the top global universities to best represent their students’ benefit. They pay attention to the smallest details to help the students build up a competitive, tailored academic careers. Also, I must mention the principal in this review. Before entering BICC, I had read a lot of terrifying reviews about the principal mistreating her students. However, the principal I actually met at BICC was quite different from what I read. She treated her students with respect and kindness, as long as they had respect for her as well. And I’m not talking about some private school high standards, the distance between teachers and students here is very close. Honestly speaking, this is the whole reason why I’m writing this review, I feel sorry how all the reviews are doing her unjust :( “

trang le
04 Dec, 2022

” Great staff and teachers. I only attended the schools for my 12th year of high school. I honestly liked every single one of my teachers. Each and every teacher was very committed and helpful. Mr. Jame is one of the best teachers I’ve ever encountered. He is patience, kind hearted and will go out of his way to help students. Overall I would highly recommend this school if your want to go to university after high school! Great teachers! “

Mohamed E
17 Jan, 2018

” My son took IELTS test there. Pretty well organized, nice place and very good staff. Parking is found but limited places in the same building at basement however on Saturday it seems calm “


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