
Aristotele’s Credit School

Name: Aristotele's Credit School
BSID: 666599
Status: closed
Open Date: Jul 02, 2016
Closed Date: Mar 23, 2023

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Internet/Site Based
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Non-Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: Greek Orthodox
Association: Greek Community of Toronto

Region: Central Region

Address: 200 Graydon Hall Drive Toronto, Ontario M3A 3A6
City: Toronto
Postal Code: M3A3A6
Telephone: 416-425-2485

Principal Name: Konstantinos Flegas
Principal Start Date: Sep 21, 2019
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

Sources: Ministry Website

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Latest Google Reviews

Aristotele’s Credit School

Tom Blase
20 Oct, 2023

” Visiting from Texas and stumbled into this place attached to our hotel. Jennifer was awesome and beer was great! Old Skhool Brown Ale and Oldstoberfest are where it’s at! Go see them if your ever in town. “

Andrews Owusu
31 Aug, 2023

” This review is more on the conference centre they rent out. The accommodation was wonderful, very clean and comfortable. The conference centre was well suited to hold an impactful youth conference “

Manpreet Kaur5
25 Jul, 2023

” Awesome college and knowledgeable instructors.. no racism and no discrimination. There are no difference between international students and domestic. all students are equal for every instructors. Best college ever in my life. I’m from India and far from family but all the instructors are very helpful and listen the problems and try to solve the problems specifically Brendan Richardson is best best best instructor. He is really very awesome teacher. I miss my college days and one thing library is very nice my favourite place. “

Renee Schmaltz
03 May, 2023

” The instructors within my program are fantastic. The education was great the last 2 years. What really ruins the experience for me at olds college is the college itself. They do not want to help students with issues, the food within the meal plan is terrible and the college itself will erase your flex dollar meal plan before the semester ends (which is stealing. A flex plan is pre loading your student ID with money that the college tells you the minimum amount you have to put on in January). I had an extra 700$ at the end which I wish I could have just loaded as you go what a waste of money. If you get class credit and want to move out early from housing you have to give 8 week notice… our term is 4 months. Do not go to olds college unless you will never have any issues or problems outside of your interaction in the classroom, because you will just get the run around. This institution just wants to take your money. I have been to 4 schools in USA and in Canada, and did a mix of on campus and off campus living, I can say by far this college is the worst ran college that I have attended. “

Michael Brown
15 Aug, 2022

” Great educational environment. The staff is knowledgeable and the learning is top notch. Loads of new construction and renovation to the buildings . “


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