
Astolot Education Centre

Name: Astolot Education Centre
BSID: 666610
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 2003

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: K-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: Ontario Learning Disabilities Ass.

Region: East Region

Address: 2211 Thurston Drive
City: Ottawa
Postal Code: K1G6C9
Telephone: 613-260-5996

Principal Name: Andrew Stewart
Principal Start Date: Jul 02, 2018
Principal Qualification: Other
Principal Qualification Other: M. ED

Sources: Ministry Website

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Astolot Education Centre

Carla Pilmoor
11 Mar, 2024

” I have known Jennifer a long time. I have recently started helping out in the office at Astolot and have seen first hand how things work. I have worked in school offices for over 22 years within the public system so I have a great deal of experiences to compare to. It is a very different environment in a private school as compared to public, and I can honestly say that the methods I have witnessed are very educational, caring and sincere. Jennifer is very knowledgeable and thinks ahead which is why her outcomes are success. Astolot Educational Centre works very closely with students, parents and families. All the staff really do care about the welfare of their students and work very hard to see them flourish. There are rules that are required and there is very good reason for this. Students who do not excel as well as their potential shows, will do so at Astolot. The reason for this is simple. They need consistency, schedules and dedicated people. Often students do not get the help they really need in the public system, which is why Astolot works so well for so many. “

Sophie Legault
06 Mar, 2024

” The review I wrote last Thursday disappeared somehow so I’m rewriting a review. Astolot is a great school and has a wonderful environment. I started at Astolot in grade 3 at the age of 8. I was at Astolot from grade 3 until grade 12. When I started at Astolot I was very shy and barely talked to anyone. The main people I spoke to for my first few months at Astolot were Jennifer (school principal) and Katie (teacher). The teachers and Jennifer at Astolot are very kind and know how to teach students. Astolot does well with teaching students who have a hard time learning in a big class or have a learning disability. In my previous school before Astolot I was in a big class with at least 20 students and was bullied badly. Often when I got bullied at my previous school it wouldn’t get resolved. When I started at Astolot I saw that bullying gets delt with and resolved. I like how Astolot has small class sizes. Teachers have a easier time teaching because of the small class sizes. Throughout my years at Astolot as a student I learned many things and did well learning in class and got along with my classmates and teachers. At the moment I’m at Algonquin College. Astolot really helped me when I was applying to Algonquin and post secondary school. Thanks to Astolot I am doing very well at Algonquin and it’s been great. I am very glad that I was at Astolot for all of secondary school and most of primary school. SL Astolot Alumni 2022 “

Maddie Harwood
29 Feb, 2024

” I have met and been inspired by all of the staff and students here at Astolot. Coming from a public school setting with more aggressive students, Jennifer has provided a safe environment for both staff and students. Her approach has helped so many students become more confident and excel in their environments. Its been a pleasure to be at Astolot. “

James Turbett
23 Feb, 2024

” I went to Astolot for 5 years it was a really great experience the teachers were amazing and really helped me overcoming challenges with learning. I had a lot of great experiences and made several friends. The small class sizes are great as it allows teachers to help you personally. Overall a great school and I am glad I attended. “

Jasmine Chalati
18 Nov, 2023

” I’ve been at this school for 2 years so far. It’s been GREAT! The school helpt me so much in my learning. The teachers are really nice same as the students. The principal Jennifer is really nice, she cares for her students at the school, ALOT! “


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