Bartlett Collegiate

Name: Bartlett Collegiate
BSID: 883683
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2012
Closed Date: Aug 31, 2013

Special Conditions Code: All Year Round

Principal Name: Derby Carruthers

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Bartlett Collegiate

21 Jun, 2024

” Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre has been an incredible place to learn and grow. As I prepare to graduate , I can’t help but reflect on the supportive environment the school fosters. The leadership team, starting with Principal Eric Dallin and Vice-Principal Mrs. Wendy Scott, deserves immense credit. Their dedication to creating a positive learning atmosphere is evident in everything they do. The entire team, including teachers like Mrs. Hilka Glaze, Mrs. Janet Baskar, and Mr. Fernandez, consistently go above and beyond to ensure student success. Their passion for education and their willingness to help have made a significant impact on my learning journey. A special shoutout goes to the guidance office team, Mr. John and Mrs. Page. Their support and guidance have been invaluable in navigating the complexities of course selection, future planning, and even personal challenges. To everyone at Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre, thank you. Thank you for the dedication you show to each and every student. Your service makes a world of difference, and I am grateful to have been a part of this amazing school. “

03 May, 2024

” Currently enrolled here and teachers are so gentle. You can tell that they genuinely want the best for their students. “

Jackson Mungai
27 Feb, 2024

” This is the best Adult Learning Centre as far as sharpening of graduates who are skilled to join the labour market and tertiary Institutions is concerned. When it comes to BALC, their PSW, High school graduates and tradesmen they are the best to hire in the marketplace. They are skilled, focused and highly motivated. BALC school management, teachers and support staff are always welcoming, energetic and kind in supporting their students to achieve their academic goals. My message to all employers, BALC is the best innovation centre where you are guaranteed to get the best human resource. Long live Burnhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre!!! “

Dina Mulic
01 Feb, 2023

” I took my brother in today to upgrade his gpa in preparation for University and we encountered the loveliest staff. While unfortunately I didnt manage to catch their names, I wanted to send out a sincere thanks to the gentleman (Trinidadian or maybe Guyanese? Hope I got that right) that helped him sort his credits and sign him up for classes and the very lovely and pretty lady with dreads that worked in that office as well. They had such a beautiful, calm and sincere energy and you can tell that they were genuinely invested in guiding the students in the direction of their dreams. Thank you both so much for making this experience such a pleasant one and for all your help. We are grateful for your beautiful energy and support and hope you are recognized for the very important roll you play and impact you have made. 💗 “

Kristen Shelepinsky
25 Oct, 2022

” A warm and welcoming school, whether it be for international students or students looking to get the best out of their high school experience. Highly recommended for anyone who’d like the inclusive, fun (clubs are starting like chess and art; join the ambassadors team), and academic aspects of high school all-in-one! (I hope you’re proud of this rhyme, Mr. Kim). “


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