
Bethune Memorial School

Name: Bethune Memorial School
BSID: 884506
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2017
Closed Date: Apr 07, 2022

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Internet/Site Based
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: East Region

Address: 3000 Lawrence Ave East, Building B Toronto, Ontario M1P 2V1
City: Building BToronto
Postal Code: OntarioM1P 2V1
Telephone: 416-282-9970

Principal Name: May Wu
Principal Start Date: Feb 01, 2022

Sources: Ministry Website

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Bethune Memorial School

zihao xu
25 Feb, 2020

” the school is great, teachers are goodness, the level of teacher is very high. They are good at communicating with students and helping students to solve their problems. There are also some activities,it is colorful. “

chanan niss
18 May, 2019

” As a former employee I was treated with nothing but respect. Michael the owner is very caring and wants nothing but the best for the students and is constantly looking for ways to improve the school for both the staff and students. During my time there I definitely saw improvements as Michael would listen to the teachers and student concerns and look for ways to solve the problem. The principal Judith is also very kind and professional and always had my back. She was always honest and takes great pride in caring for both the staff and students. Overall I had a very positive experience working at Bethune as a qualified OCT teacher I would for-sure recommend Bethune as a school to work for. They pay on time, give benefits, have fair work hours and truly care about the staff and students. “

Sunny Yu
17 May, 2019

” Ms Garza is one of the best principal I had. She cares me as a student and as a friend. She will help me no matter what. Without her, I wouldn’t able to going to university and have a wonderful journey at Western! She is such a lovely women, she taught me a lot when I know nothing about Canada. She take me to Canada’s wonderland which she didn’t need to, she will let me and my classmates know where should we go to buy the stuff we need. And she will try talk to us everyday to make sure we know what the teachers talk about and what should we do after class. I had so many good memories at high school with her. She is like my mom when I’m far away from home, and she bought pizza for thanking giving and Christmas (which is really tasty). It is my honor to know her. So please don’t trust the hate commons, please at least talk to her once and you will know that she is the person and the principal you need for your children. “

Jordanna Cipparrone
16 May, 2019

” One of my family friends overseas was actually thinking about sending their daughter here. But after speaking with many other parents, one of them brought up that a school previously run by the current principal was shut down by the ministry! Now looking at the reviews below, one reviewer Rosanna actually works at the school if you look at one of the Christmas party poster. Super untrustworthy… “

Lucy Jimenez
15 May, 2019

” This school has grown exponentially ! The new Principal has ensured that students have a great experience while they study here. The school has a very good team of teachers working along with mentors and guidance department. Hats off for this school! “


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