
Beyond Montessori School Inc

Name: Beyond Montessori School Inc
BSID: 666433
Status: active

Level: Elementary
Program Type: Site based only
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Association: NO associations declared

Region: West Region

Address: 2 O'Malley Drive
City: St. Catharines
Postal Code: L2N6N7
Telephone: 905-937-0700

Principal Name: Karen Kenesky

Sources: Ministry Website

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Beyond Montessori School Inc. Closed
(same telephone ) (same principal – before October 2022 )

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Beyond Montessori School Inc

Taylor Jones
16 Jan, 2023

” Every single day I drop my child off at Beyond Montessori. Every single day I witness my child run to her teachers because she can’t wait to start her day. Recently, my child was sick and I had to pick her up. I watched her three teachers care for and love her the way I would. I find so much joy in being a part of the community that loves and cherishes my child. Since stepping into Beyond, my child has been growing, learning, and excelling. The teachers, the administration, and the other parents have worked above and beyond to ensure our child is supported and that we as parents are engaged. Thank you Beyond Montessori for continuing to be a safe place for our child to learn and grow. “

Tanya A
16 Jan, 2023

” Our children have attended Beyond Montessori for the better part of 6 years. The staff at BMS have fostered tremendous emotional growth, self-confidence, physical coordination and creativity in our children. The education, support and love that has been given to our children is more than we could ask for. They always look(ed) forward to beginning each day at school and we are blessed to be a part of the BMS family. “

Natalie B
13 Jan, 2023

” We have been so grateful to be a part of the BMS community. Our son started in the Casa classroom at age three. At times he can be slower to warm in new situations, and his teachers Miss Ashley and Miss Rebecca were extremely kind and patient with him. Over time we saw our son develop a confidence and independence that we absolutely attribute to his experience at Beyond Montessori. Our younger son started this year in the Pre-Casa classroom and similarily, we have watched him flourish. Miss Emily and Miss Ming make a wonderful team. They bring an incredible patience and passion for education to their classroom, it feels very much like a welcoming space. Whenever I’ve had questions or needed assistance, the administrative team has always swiftly and professionally assisted me. I appreciate their attention to detail and clear, concise communication. “

Amber Pozojevic
10 Jan, 2023

” Beyond Montessori has been a beautiful choice for us. We are no strangers to Montessori Education and BMS truly follows the core values and educational principals set forth by Maria Montessori. The teachers are kind, compassionate, and do their absolute best to ensure each student is treated with inclusion, kindness and respect. They nurture the students independence allowing them to grow with confidence and go above and beyond to ensure each student has the tools they need to succeed. The administrative staff is very supportive, accommodating and easy to work with. If you are looking for a quality start to your child’s education look no further. “

Mindy Zheng
10 Jan, 2023

” My kid loves BMS! She is being the school 1.5 years, and she likes all her teachers and her class friends. Here, staff are so patient, compassionate and passionate. When I had sometimes busy period, I would need to email them regarding my kid’s daily detail, her teachers always respond me in time. Every school day, my kid loves to chat and share with me about her school life!!! Every end of month we will get an email with lots of her pictures in school, so nice, we enjoy it too! “


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