
Dunblaine School, The

Name: Dunblaine School, The
BSID: 887951
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 1969

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 1-8
Semester type: Not Applicable
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: OFIS

Region: Toronto Region

Address: 21 Deloraine Ave
City: Toronto
Postal Code: M5M2A8
Telephone: 416-483-9215

Principal Name: Charleen Pryke
Principal Start Date: Apr 18, 2005
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

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Dunblaine School, The

03 Mar, 2024

” Excellent staff and outstanding teachers, well suited to children in need “

Ella Zetser
02 Mar, 2024

” Great school. The principal and teachers really care about the success of the kids! “

Sandra Piccinni
27 Feb, 2024

” During five years teaching at the Dunblaine School, it became more than just a workplace; it became a cherished part of my life’s journey. The synergy among the teaching staff was truly remarkable; it felt like being part of a closely-knit family rather than just colleagues. This sense of camaraderie and mutual support fostered an environment where everyone thrived, creating a nurturing atmosphere for both educators and students alike. However, what truly sets Dunblaine apart is its unwavering dedication to student success. Beyond academic excellence, the school is committed to nurturing the holistic development of its students. Through a diverse array of activities and programs tailored to individual interests and needs, Dunblaine empowers students to discover their passions and cultivate essential life skills. From fostering self-regulation techniques and mindfulness practices to integrating cutting-edge technology in the classroom and providing personalized one-on-one support, the school leaves no stone unturned in ensuring every student reaches their full potential. “

Richard Hugessen
27 Feb, 2024

” I attended this school for eight years, from age 5 to 13. By the time I graduated in 2009, I had lived the majority of my life as a Dunblaine student. This school raised me. When I first arrived at the school, I was so “special needs” that the teachers debated vigorously about whether to accept me. I had no impulse control, no self-awareness, and lived in my own personal fantasy world disconnected from reality. Today, I am confident, independent, and capable of anything anyone else can do. I hold dual bachelor’s degrees in computer science and business, have worked in Silicon Valley as a software engineer, and have travelled all over the world independently. None of this would have been possible without the Dunblaine school and the teachers who took me in as family. They taught me to become a leader among my peers, to speak and perform confidently in front of a crowd, and to embrace my quirky, unique self as a superpower. My teachers believed in me. They saw who I could become, and worked patiently and lovingly every single day to help me become someone I can be proud of. For the last 5 months, I’ve come back to volunteer at the school on Tuesday mornings. Seeing it as an adult, I can now appreciate even more the love, patience and belief given to each student here by the teachers. I feel unbelievably blessed to have been able to call this school my home. Any child would be lucky to go here. “

Carson Mackenzie
20 Nov, 2018

” I when to this school. It was a great school back in the day. It bin 19 years but I’m glad I got to experience it. Good time. “


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