
Halton Waldorf School

Name: Halton Waldorf School
BSID: 884526
Status: active

Level: Secondary
Program Type: Site based only
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Association: NO associations declared

Region: West Region

Address: 2254 Orchard Rd.
City: Burlington
Postal Code: L7L7J8
Telephone: 289-288-4570

Principal Name: Siobhan Hughes

Sources: Ministry Website

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Halton Waldorf School

Mr Lee
23 May, 2024

” Not for everyone… our long standing respect for Waldorf education does not extend to this school. We spoke with many schools, primarily paying attention for people of good character and humane connection to other folk. We are careful where we leave our child. We spoke openly with faculty towards finding a good fit. Out of dozens of schools, Halton Waldorf School is the only one that mislead us and were absolutely unsympathetic to the troubles they caused. Something isn’t right at this school and i hope they figure it out so that Waldorf can be the school it should. My best guess is that ‘Diversity Equity and Inclusiveness’ that is being implemented is in conflict with the Waldorf spirit. Instead of celebrating all people, they now have to celebrate a dictated few. Instead of respect going two ways, it now must bow down to one side. We can feel the imbalance and although they say everyone is welcome, we did not feel represented or welcome. This is now a club for one specific group. We are fortunate to have found our school elsewhere and hope that integrity returns to this Waldorf so us parents can easily see where our little ones will be happy and strong and find their way. “

Aliya Khawari
13 Jun, 2023

” There was nothing less than one star – otherwise – I would have picked that. Very elitist and exclusive club, discriminates visible minorities – especially ones who are very qualified, know the history of Waldorf and know their rights and have a voice and will speak up. This institute should not call itself “Waldorf” as in the true sense of whats supposed to be the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner from 1919 – which is when Waldorf school was formed from Germany. Far from it!!!! As one review put it – RUN!! Is the best feedback “

Jay Rothenberger
19 Sep, 2018

” A wonderful environment for children that fosters a true love of learning and allows them to be kids. The curriculum is rich and also age appropriate. The school truly educates the head, heart and hands of the children. Our kids are excited to learn instead of being stressed about it. The experiential learning and connection with nature are unique in today’s world of technology overload. The community is incredible for parents too. I highly recommend it. “

Stephen Galbraith
30 Apr, 2016

” When we were looking for better education options for our kids I felt so much at home from the moment I walked in the door. The school has a playground that is based around nature without pavement or concrete in sight. The classrooms are warm and cozy. The smell of wood from the woodshop, the art on display, the emphasis on a holistic education led us to enroll our kids. After a year they have never been happier, “

Judi Remigio
20 May, 2014

” I love this school! Both of my children attended until grade 8. My daughter is now in grade 12 and my son is finishing grade 8. They both love school, love their teachers and are enthusiastic about learning. Furthermore, they both ask critical questions about education and life; neither are ‘shrinking violets’. I feel blessed to have met such a friendly community of teachers, admin staff and parents. The Halton Waldorf School is a strong community. “


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