
King Heights Academy – Woodbridge

Name: King Heights Academy - Woodbridge
BSID: 669346
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2020
Closed Date: 2021-22

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: JK-8
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 10
Teachers with OCT: 10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: International Baccalaureate

Region: Central Region

Address: 201 & 202 - 28 Rotec Road Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 8E4
City: Woodbridge
Postal Code: L4L8E4
Telephone: 905-652-1234

Principal Name: Anna Rosa Cardarelli
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2020

Sources: Ministry Website

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King Heights Academy Active
(same corporation and telephone )
King Heights Academy – Woodbridge Closed
(same corporation and telephone ) (same principal – before October 2022 )

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Latest Google Reviews

King Heights Academy – Woodbridge

30 Nov, 2021

” I use to go to this school and my experience on the first it was fine but then i saw it’s true colours the next day ,because the kids are really rude and when you talk to the teachers about them ,well the teachers don’t care and just blame your kid. So if you ever go to this school please remember that your 1. your child’s experience will be ruined 2. your thousands of dollars is wasted 3.They refused to help out parents who lost their jobs and still claimed full tuition for online learning. that’s just cruel. This isn’t even a one star it is a zero stars but i wasn’t given the choice to put zero stars so i guess one star it is. Thank you for taking your time to read this. I hope you have a wonderful day . just saying if you want a good school move them to Vellore Woods. “

Valerie Freeman
27 Nov, 2020

” The school started out okay but during the pandemic I learned their true colors. They refused to help out parents who lost their jobs and still claimed full tuition for online learning. There were only two to four in-person classes a day and parents were responsible for watching their children for the rest of the day even though that’s what we pay them to do. Paid after school clubs were canceled and they never offered refunds. They just hounded us for the chocolate money for chocolates that the kids were supposed to sell before the pandemic started. They also only signed up for the basic Zoom package and the kids would get cut off from the teacher after 40 minutes even if they still had questions. For a private school they are very much behind the times in terms of technology. Not one single child from my daughter’s grade continued at the school for the 2020/2021 school year. “

05 Jan, 2020

” Lack of leadership. The director is not cut out to manage a class let alone a school. No experience in children’s education and this can be seen by how she manages her teachers. Would not recommend taking your kids to this school. “

Jakob Silver
25 Jun, 2015

” The education level at KHA is honestly outstanding. I have been here for 2 years and have graduated grade 8 here. There is no way I could have improved more in any other school. Going into high-school I now know that I have all the skills I need to pass with great grades. I even think I have a lot more skills than I need to do great. “

Zoran Mitrovic
06 May, 2014

” Excellent International Baccalaureate school in Vaughan. Great Early Education programs and very friendly staff at the King Heights Academy private school. 5 stars! “


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