Mabin School, The

Name: Mabin School, The
BSID: 881090
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 1980

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: JK-6
Semester type: Not Applicable
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 19
Teachers with OCT: 18

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: Toronto Region

Address: 50 Poplar Plains Road
City: Toronto
Postal Code: M4V2M8
Telephone: 416-964-9594

Principal Name: Simone Gravesande
Principal Start Date: Jul 01, 2016
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

Sources: Ministry Website

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