
Macdonald-Cartier Academy

Name: Macdonald-Cartier Academy
BSID: 875341
Status: active
Open Date: Oct 01, 1990

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 7-8
Semester type: Not Applicable
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: East Region

Address: 270 Crichton St
City: Ottawa
Postal Code: K1M1W4
Telephone: 613-744-8898

Principal Name: jean mantha
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2004

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Macdonald-Cartier Academy

Dominique Milne
04 Dec, 2023

” We absolutely love this school! The hands-on learning is fantastic, and they go above and beyond teaching essential study and life skills. With small classes and enthusiastic teachers, it’s a vibrant community where learning is fun. The variety of activities adds an extra layer of excitement to the overall experience. Highly recommend! “

09 May, 2022

” Excellent school. Small classes, attentive teachers, and focus on work, learning and good study habits. My two kids attended MCA and they were very happy with the learning, the activities, and friendships they formed there. Most parents who sent their kids there have been very pleased. “

Jack Burkom
24 Nov, 2021

” We have sent all three of our children to MCA. We sent them for the focus on rigor and academics. The school challenged the kids and helped them learn how to learn. In addition, the school provides a happy, inclusive and safe environment that allows all kids to thrive. All of our kids loved it and so did mom and dad. “

Jennifer Montreal
18 Nov, 2021

” Our daughter’s life has been changed in a significantly important and positive way because she attended MCA. MCA prominently features as one of our family’s very best academic experiences. In high school, our daughter continued to use her notes from MCA and she definitely still uses the time management and note-taking skills she learned there. In addition to excellent academics, MCA emphasizes the importance of physical activity and wellness and takes the students on fantastic outings regularly throughout the year. A++ “

Barb Ball
01 Nov, 2019

” My son attends MCA and I am very pleased with the quality of education. Standards are high and students are expected to “work hard, play hard.” Exam periods are followed by a physical activity day – a much better option than relaxing with electronics. Emphasis is on personal accountability for homework assignments and study plans – skills that will be very beneficial in highschool – and life in general. “


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