
Mapleton Meadow Parochial School

Name: Mapleton Meadow Parochial School
BSID: 883498
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 2010

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 1-8
Semester type: Not Applicable
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: Mennonite
Association: Waterloo-Wellington-Perth Parochial Schools

Region: West Region

Address: 8249 Wellington Road 86 3
City: Listowel
Postal Code: N4W3G8

Principal Name: Erla Horst
Principal Start Date: Aug 09, 2017

Sources: Ministry Website

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Mapleton Meadow Parochial School

Graydon Wilson
20 Apr, 2024

” Teachers are amazing I still go there they teacher you and have people to go to if your going trough something “

mohak soni
25 Jan, 2023

” I think this was a great school but on the other hand my friend beckyboo doesn’t think so I strongly disagree with him it had a great student body and a amazing friend group so sad thst u left Becky boo “

Katie Bennett
13 Sep, 2020

” I’m sick of the bad reviews. Honestly, Holly Meadows is an amazing school with an amazing principal. I believe the kids are the real problems. The teachers here work hard to keep Holly’s students in check and I’m thankful for their effort because some students are just awful. I would send my kids here if I had kids :). “

The Lion Queen
14 Aug, 2018

” Went there since grade 2 to grade 8 and I liked that school ever since, when I came back to visit I am always happy to see everyone again. Great school and great teachers. I am so glad that in semester 1 of my last year of high school I got to do co-op there and I really wish I was a kid in that school again “

Gabrielle Huston
10 Aug, 2018

” As an ex student, who has since been involved with the board and visited multiple other schools in the city, I can say with firm belief that this is one of the worst schools in Simcoe County. The classrooms here are disorderly and poorly planned, especially the intermediate rooms. Bullying is met with no repercussions, despite claiming a zero tolerance policy. With no respect for the arts outside of kindergarten colouring, the previously lovely music room was dismantled, and the teacher fired. The choir, subsequently, was broken up, and what was the music room had become a multipurpose classroom. When I, and my brother, attended this school, one of the teachers with tenure was a known pedophile among the students who used to have the girls in his gym class do excersizes he could watch. I have no idea if this teacher is still employed, but multiple complaints against him yielded no results, last time I knew. The only redeeming quality of the school is its beautiful library. The librarian I knew while attending this school changed my life, and I spent many lunches alone with a book under the beautiful windows. I do not recommend sending your children to this school if it can be avoided. “


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