
McDonald International Academy-North Yo

Name: McDonald International Academy-North Yo
BSID: 886037
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2015
Closed Date: Mar 01, 2021

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: Central Region

Address: 128-5 Park Home Avenue Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L4
City: Toronto
Postal Code: OntarioM2N 6L4
Telephone: 416-222-6838

Principal Name: Fraser Rose
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2015
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

Sources: Ministry Website

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McDonald International Academy-North Yo

laura li
16 Sep, 2022

” I enjoyed my time at MIA. The teachers are very helpful and students there are like good friends, helping each other a lot. The school arranged various social clubs for us to have fun. I had a great time at school. “

Edwin Tejada Prince
10 Jan, 2018

” I am so thankful today that i have the opportunity to studying abroad. MIA is the type of school where you can have the experience to meet new friends and also to learn with from different countries. I had the chance to make amazing relation with the teachers where they treat me like family motivating everyday, especially who Justin is one of my favorite teachers! I highly suggest student’s come to MIA, it is an amazing school where all the students will have fun!!! “

tong sun
10 Jan, 2018

” I really appreciate for being a graduated student from MIA. In here, I always feel like I am in a big family. Teachers and principals treat us like their best friends, supporting and caring about every student. Last year was really important and meaningful for all of the graduated student in 2017. Every teacher tried their best to answer everyone’s questions and encourage them to reach their goals. For me, I have been always talked to teachers about my future university life, and they shared a lot their treasurable experiences of how to get used to university life, that really helped me a lot. Because MIA is a cozy international high school, teachers and students held lots of events, celebrating festivals from different countries. MIA students are not only learning knowledge in here, but also learning and enjoying cultures from different countries! Love MIA!💓 “

Katherine Lara Derikon
10 Jan, 2018

” I am currently study in here and I’m really glad I found this school. It had brought me a lot of opportunities and it gave me the possibility of meeting incredible people. I am living in the residence which is a really comfortable place to live in and socialize at the same time. I deeply recommend it due to the excellent preparation of the teachers and workers in general, always bringing joy and passion in what they do. “

Kelly Ma
10 Jan, 2018

” It was a memorable high school time in MIA. Everyone here is sooooooo nice. Teachers support students all the time like me. I almost know every teacher and staff in MIA. Last year was an important year for me to get into the university. The encouragement from teachers really pushed me forward. Thank you to my parents for choosing this high school for me and create an amazing 2017 right here. For academic study, I learned a lot and payed all my effort to the study. Teachers supported and answered my questions patiently until I got them clear. And i finally got the utsg offer! I treasured my grade 12 here so much. So, I miss MIA when I start my university life. I suppose if students study hard and love to join various activities, MIA is the best choice for everyone! Again, miss lovely teachers and cute friends there;) “


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