Millers School

Name: Millers School
BSID: 887502
Status: active
Open Date: Mar 01, 2023

Level: Elementary
Program Type: Site based only
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Association: NO associations declared

Region: West Region

Address: 244635 Zenda Line
City: Tillsonburg
Postal Code: N4G4N1

Principal Name: Aluin Shetler

Sources: Ministry Website

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(same principal )

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Millers School

Saba Ahmed
26 Jun, 2023

” One of best teachers! The principal is very approachable and friendly. Though a small school in size but everyone is well connected. Lots of activities throughout the year. “

06 Feb, 2023

” This place really gives students the best chance at a good education in the area! Very surprising! “

parthiban samykutti (ParksExplorer)
07 Jul, 2021

” School is located in very calm place in mid of Reseidence communities “

Dante Antognetti
09 Nov, 2020

” Lemme ask you this, what other school has alumni’s such as Abraham Lincoln, Kanye West, Jesus and Thanos? None, except for Miller Grove 🙏 “

Arizona oc
20 Oct, 2020

” I loved my experience at miller grove so many friends and camaraderie. The academics are unmatched and the students are well behaved “


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