Montessori Village & Education Centre

Name: Montessori Village & Education Centre
BSID: 875791
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 1992
Closed Date: 2018-19

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elementary
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Grade Range: No Grades Applicable
Semester type: Not Applicable
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: Ontario Federation of Independent Schools (OFIS)


Address: 297 Old Kingston Road Toronto, Ontario M1C 1B4
City: Toronto
Postal Code: OntarioM1C 1B4
Telephone: 416-266-0424

Principal Name: Asha Shreves
Principal Start Date: Aug 17, 2016

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Montessori Village & Education Centre

Amy Whittaker
21 Mar, 2018

” My child went to Village Montessori for preschool and we all have great memories. We would have kept her in through 2nd grade but she got into a language immersion program. She was more than ready with phonics and first words. Learning was fun, directed but not forced. “

C.J. Bliffin
07 Mar, 2017

” I have been thrilled with the foundation that both of my children have received while attending Village Montessori School. From the administration to the daycare staff, every staff person has shown both of my children, care and respect in everything that they do. the Montessori teachers go above and beyond on a daily basis. I recommend this school to anyone looking for a loving and nurturing academic program for their preschooler. “

Shahriar Chowdhury
07 Jul, 2015

” After a horrible experience at another school in Darnestown, we learned of the Montessori philosophy and wanted to give it a try. Our son has flourished here and has come out of his shell at such an amazing pace. He loves going to school every day and even wants to go on the weekends. A great school with great people. Highly recommend. “

Don Duff
07 Jul, 2014

” All four of our kids went to school at Village Montessori. Excellent teachers, excellent program. Participating in VM was a very rewarding experience “

Ann Cavanaugh-O’keefe
20 Sep, 2013

” I attended this school as a child and LOVED IT. I was not only taught much more material than I could possibly tell you about in a review, but I was also taught to love learning. I was taught, through my experiences, that I was intelligent and worthwhile. I think that these are the most important skills for a child to learn. It was the confidence in my abilities as a learner that made me successful throughout my entire education. To this day, I attribute my academic success to going to this school. My daughter attends the school now and she has some of the same teachers that I had. To me, any program, no matter how good, is useless without a good teacher. So I found a school where I knew with 100% confidence that the teacher is good. While I know and love the Montessori philosophy (and happened to know that they follow it- I am an early child educator now and did observations in the school), it comforts me much more to know and love the teachers. The other indication to me that the program is good is that the teachers send their own children there. As teachers, these people know what is out there and they know what is good for their children, and they send them to Village Montessori School. The last piece that is just a little “icing on the cake,” is that it is the only school I know of that has such a slow staff turn over rate. I had these teachers! They are my daughters teachers! Every other school I looked at had people coming and going pretty often. The fact that the teachers stay for that long means that it is a positive environment for the staff as well. If it’s a positive environment for staff, it is also a more positive environment for the children. Oh yeah and cheap dance classes offered on site??? HECK YES!! For working moms like me this is PERFECT!! “


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