Prestige School, The -Toronto

Name: Prestige School, The -Toronto
BSID: 666394
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 2003

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Online/Site Based
Grade Range: JK-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round

Number Of Teachers: 20
Teachers with OCT: 14

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: Ontario Federation Of Independent Schools

Region: Central Region

Address: 21 Eddfield Avenue
City: Toronto
Postal Code: M2N2M5
Telephone: 416-250-5873

Principal Name: Olga Margold
Principal Start Date: Aug 31, 2006

Sources: Ministry Website

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(same corporation , principal and website )

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Prestige School, The -Toronto

Artem Borisov
07 Sep, 2024

” This school is academically very strong. They have a great, comprehensive, and challenging program for students. We met there some amazing teachers, best in class. The owner/principal is reasonable and constructive. We saw one problem with the school (Toronto campus). They have the wrong manager in charge of the school operations. There should not be a person with an arrogant, emotionally charged, and deceiving communication style at the role critical to communication both with parents and students. The school has values of wisdom, courage, and integrity, which are all very good. During two years in the school, we did not see that manager demonstrated any of those. I believe that the school becomes a better and safer place if they assign to the role in charge of the school operations a person with a better cultural fit to their values. “

Michael Issaev
13 Nov, 2022

” We are very happy with Prestige School. Management and teachers really care about students’ success. We are glad that we sent our two kids to this school. They both went to universities after graduating. “

Evelina Riguer
08 Jan, 2021

” We want to express our Gratitude to the Directors and Staff at Prestige Private School. Thank you for always thinking of the students and teachers. It is amazing to see how in a short period of time, last year in March, you have managed to bring the whole school online, so students can continue learning. Your commitment and passion, shines through. Wishing you a wonderful 2021. “

John Ramson
19 Nov, 2019

” Prestige Private School has a good reputation for sports and student support. It’s private elementary school is recognized for its longstanding commitment to academic rig our and excellence in a small, nurturing environment – but that’s just the beginning. All the teachers a close-knit community that celebrates creativity, diversity, and innovation, where all the students, learn, and grow together under one roof, like a real good friends. Private high school here also is one of the best in Toronto and even all over GTA. My nephew got here an excellent education in a warm, collaborative environment. He is highly appreciate the way Prestige Private School cares about each student and the friendly environment between teachers and students here. I would highly recommend this private school for your children! “

pmplays 1089
30 Jan, 2019

” As a student who has been here for all my life I can proudly say that this is a wonderful experience. I still have 1 year to go and I have not had a single problem. There is a very nice atmosphere around the school and all teachers do their jobs extremely well. The curriculum is 1 grade ahead for elementary and all students learned better than in public schools. The high school curriculum meets or exceeds expectations. All of this I can say from first-hand experience. I recommend Prestige School to anyone looking for a good, affordable, safe, and fun school to learn in. “


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