
Rayson Academy

Name: Rayson Academy
BSID: 668828
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2020
Closed Date: Aug 31, 2021

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Full Year
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: East Region

Address: 1033 McNicoll Avenue, 2nd Floor Scarborough, Ontario M1W 3W6
City: 2nd FloorScarborough
Postal Code: OntarioM1W 3W6
Telephone: 647-296-3333

Principal Name: Michael Tso
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2020

Sources: Ministry Website

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Rayson Academy

Katrina Stanley
08 Jun, 2024

” I had three children at this school for 2 years. I would absolutely never recommend this school to an expat family who plans to leave the country and transition into a new school system. You will be shocked at just how far behind your kids are. In our case, my children were far more capable than we were led to believe. We received more remediation and support at other schools in Calgary and Calgary Academy was not at all what we were led to believe it was. We had far too many negative experiences with students who clearly had severe behavior disorders and could not act appropriately or were severely distracting. We had a situation where a student was exposing their genitals repeatedly to our child and other students. The lack of concern or response from admin was disturbing. We also had another incident where a student brought in a toy gun and was repeatedly pointing it at students heads in a school performance. It was shocking and the lack of response or concern from admin was yet again disturbing. If I could turn back the clock I would never have sent my children there. They were capable of so much more, and we would have been far better off in a more academic environment. In one year’s time away from Calgary academy my kids have had to make up for lost time and also have gained at least 2 grade levels of math. They have excelled now that they are out of CA and in an environment that challenges them but honors what they need. CA clearly did not offer any challenge. My son tells me he’s learned more in one month in his new school than in a full year at CA. There are some great teachers at CA and if you’re lucky enough to have them you just might have a great year.. We have also had teachers that in our experience have absolutely no business working with children. We had an experience with one teacher who we felt was not only a very inexperienced teacher, but also negligent. She went out of her way to hurt our child out of her negative feeling towards myself for speaking to admin about her negligence. Overall we were so disappointed on so many levels that I would never recommend this school to anyone. “

kyler Morrison
23 Apr, 2024

” Will black mail you for money for grades and if you don’t pay they will erase the exams and change them all to failing. If you need better grade at least you can pay for them 👍 school is corrupt! “

josh huntley
17 Mar, 2024

” Amazing school, supports all types of special needs for children, including ADHD, ADD, autism, Down syndrome, and more. 100% recommend the school for your child. Thank The school also works on life skills, such as self control skills and social interaction development. As a student at the school, I find it very diverse full children with different interests that go from playing Fortnite or clothing, interests all the way to dungeons and dragons or boardgames. For school also has a strong belief in LGBT+ inclusivity. definitely recommend the school if your child is looking to expand their education, community, or, in general, looking to improve in a skill. Feel free to ask questions on different teachers or clubs that are already at the school. “

Jimmy Dicosta
11 Mar, 2024

” During my time as a student in grades 4-9, I believe I was let down in terms of the support I received for my learning disabilities. Upon transitioning to the public education system, I experienced a significant improvement in support and overall happiness compared to my time at CA. “

liza brat
11 Jan, 2024

” this school used to be is helpful for my children, recently my children have not been getting the accommodation needed for their education, an example of this absences is teachers not knowing what they’re teaching and teachers making children cry. I am disgusted by the amount of money and effort I put in to get my children into this school. what a waste. “


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