
Robert Land Academy

Name: Robert Land Academy
BSID: 880051
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 1978

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: K-12
Semester type: Semestered/Non-semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 14
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

Region: West Region

Address: 6727 South Chippawa Rd RR 3
City: Wellandport
Postal Code: L0R2J0
Telephone: 905-386-6203

Principal Name: William Simmons
Principal Start Date: Jul 27, 2020

Sources: Ministry Website

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Robert Land Academy

Reily Lipka
31 May, 2024

” Enrolling in this place back in 2021 turned out to be an absolute nightmare. The children beside me would face physical abuse if we didn’t comply with every single instruction. On top of that, we were constantly threatened, warned that we would meet the same fate as those unfortunate kids who lost their lives if we didn’t behave. There was this one time when I attempted to escape, thinking I had succeeded, only to be chased down by a terrifying dog that sunk its teeth into my ankles. As if that wasn’t enough, they forced me to shave off my beautiful locks, leaving me completely bald. The trauma I experienced during that period still haunts me to this day. It’s unbelievable how clueless parents are about what they’re signing their children up for. Not only is it an enormous waste of money, but the school also puts on a facade for the parents, making everything seem perfectly fine. I’m currently undergoing therapy to cope with the aftermath of this ordeal. “

Sarah Brown
10 May, 2024

” A big shout out to Robert Land Academy school. I can’t believe the difference with my special needs child in just a year and a half. It is a military themed boarding school for boys and was a hard decision to make but SO worth it! My son has ADHD and autism, but is also very smart. He was not doing all that well in public school, socially, and was gaining weight from sitting around on electronics. Always a battle to get him off of it. This totally changed him mentally, physically, socially, etc. I had to share for any parents of boys that are also struggling. This was my fourth kid and wish I had gotten involved sooner. Life changer. He now wants to be a lawyer and is very active physically and socially. Money well spent. He is on a totally different path and the future is much brighter. “

Rob Rubino
06 Feb, 2024

” Robert Land Academy provided me with the tools to become a productive adult. I spent 1 year at the academy, which gave me the tools and discipline that I carry to this day. When I reflect on the academy, it is a brotherhood that expands beyond borders. I was able to meet up with former students in U.A.E and they brought me in with open arms. When ever I bump into former alumni, we only talk about the good times, cast of characters at the academy, and wild stories. Of course it was hard at times, but we don’t seem to dwell on that after all of these years. Attending RLA is a unique experience as we are all not handed a fair card in life, but RLA provides you with the tools, if you wish to use them, to persevere through hardships. For every 1 star review, there are countless success stories and fond memories of Robert Land Academy. There is no guarantee how your son or story will pan out, but you will be given the structure to be setup for success. I recommend this school to anyone who believes that young men can benefit from structure and discipline. “

Paul Vrana
03 Nov, 2022

” An amazing environment for young men aimed at challenging their limits and unlocking their full potential. To achieve these successes, the Academy takes the best practices of military culture and combines it with a supportive environment and personalized attention. The education receive is well rounded, not merely academic, but social and emotional as well. Cadets learn the ever so important soft skills so lacking in the workplace today. Leadership, work ethic, time management, teamwork, resiliency, accountability, communication, and problem solving are but a few of the many traits that are nurtured at the Academy, which, when combined with their “Academic” education will provide them with a future full of opportunity. I was a student some years ago and it literally changed the course of my life. It can for you to! “

Gin Lupton
28 Oct, 2021

” The staff at Robert Land Academy were caring and consistent. We were completely confident in our son’s safety during COVID. It took just two weeks, two!, for RLA to have a positive impact on our son being able to do his homework without argument or conflict. His favorite parts were: the annual hike along the Bruce Trail to Fort George; learning survival skills in the woods at the school; and weekly club day. We highly recommend RLA. It was the best decision we made for our son’s education. “


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