RoyalCrest Academy

Name: RoyalCrest Academy
BSID: 669152
Status: closed
Open Date: Oct 01, 2007
Closed Date: 2018-19

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Grade Range: K-12
Semester type: Full Year
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 12
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: IPSF


Address: 9500 Dufferin Street Maple, Ontario L6A 1S2
City: Maple
Postal Code: OntarioL6A 1S2
Telephone: 905-303-7557

Principal Name: Carrie Proper
Principal Start Date: Apr 01, 2019
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

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RoyalCrest Academy

Preeya nathwani
06 Feb, 2019

” Both my children attend Royal Crest Academy and we have been with the school for over 6 years. The teachers are warm and inspiring and have truly helped to shape my children into young leaders. The learning is enriched and with the Reach Ahead Program (that is not offered by many other schools) my kids will have recognition for Math and French at a grade level ahead by the time they reach High school, to me this is a huge benefit. When faced with issues the administration are quick to address any concerns. The facility is also spacious and modern. We have had a positive experience and would recommend this school! “

Yonet Blanch
25 Jan, 2018

” My 3 kids have been attending Royal Crest Academy for many years. I have had my kids enrolled at the school since preschool and they are now at the elementary level. I would definitely recommend this school as I have seen my kids thrive and do extremely well both socially and academically. The faculty is nurturing and always supportive. I love their open door policy. My husband and I both feel very positively towards sending our kids to RCA. The owner Mrs. Johnson and the staff have always made us feel extremely comfortable and safe in RCA’s environment. If you are looking for a great school for your kids both academically and socially than we would definitely recommend RCA! Y. Blanch “

Dimitri Giankoulas
14 Apr, 2016

” The staff, and management at Royal Crest Academy have exceeded our expectations at each and every visit. Both my kids are enrolled in RCA and not only is the owner Michelle so personalized that she makes the time to see you and spend time addressing any concerns you have but the school is immaculate when it comes to cleanliness. You pay for what get and at RCA your kids are safe, get the highest level or education and you receive that personal touch compared to all of the other places that claim to provide but fail to. if you really want to see the service go in for a tour with the owner Michelle she will show you what i mean. Best place in the city “

Karen Meshwork
25 Oct, 2015

” I transferred my son and daughter to RoyalCrest in February of this year. Their public school teachers were calling me in on a weekly basis to complain that my children were not doing well. My children were miserable at their public school. Once we transferred to RoyalCrest, there was a major change in both kids, for the better. Their confidence improved, their grades improved and their overall attitudes improved. They are excelling in their studies thanks to the small classes and attention from the teachers. There is constant communication from the administration to update me on their progress. They adjusted to the change in amazing ways that I can’t even describe! Thank you RoyalCrest for taking such good care of my children and showing them that learning can be fun and beneficial. I would recommend this school to anyone and would be happy to give a reference anytime. Karen “

Kathryn Marjadsingh
06 May, 2015

” Dear parents, guardians or any other person considering sending their child to Royal Crest Academy, I am a grade 8 student currently attending RoyalCrest Academy. I have been attending RCA for 10 years. Since JK, my experience has been nothing but rewarding academically, socially, and overall enjoyable. It certainly has been an extraordinary period of my life. Every teacher that has been teaching at the school has been kind, caring and nurturing towards students, fellow teachers and parents. This school has guided and shaped me to be an honor roll student with an average of 94% in all subjects. Every day when I am being dropped off to school, I am greeted with warm “good mornings” and “how are you” ‘s by every teacher, and student that I pass. I have been treated with respect, generosity and kindness. The school offers an environment that makes me feel comfortable, accepted and valued. Assuredly, the teachers at this school have treated students, parents and fellow teachers with up-most respect, kindness, and maturity. I have never seen or heard of a teacher at this school being “abusive” or “racist”. The teachers at this school are some of the most kindhearted and friendly people I know. “


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