St Michael’s College School

Name: St Michael's College School
BSID: 887145
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 01, 1969

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: 7-12
Semester type: Full Year
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable

Number Of Teachers: 65
Teachers with OCT: 62

Affiliations: Roman Catholic
Association: Conference of Independent Schools

Region: Toronto Region

Address: 1515 Bathurst St
City: Toronto
Postal Code: M5P3H4
Telephone: 416-653-3180

Principal Name: Patrick Daly
Principal Start Date: Aug 01, 2019
Principal Qualification: Ontario Principal Qualification Program (PQP)

Sources: Ministry Website

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St Michael’s College School

alexi kervich
29 Sep, 2023

” I have had a wonderful experience with SMCS. The teachers are knowledgeable and genuinely care about the students’ success. The curriculum is engaging and encourages critical thinking. The facilities are well-maintained, creating a conducive environment for learning. “

Ilango Nithushihan
07 May, 2023

” St. Michael’s College, located in the heart of downtown Toronto, is a Catholic college within the University of Toronto that has a strong reputation for academic excellence and a sense of community. With a history dating back to 1852, the college has a long-standing tradition of providing high-quality education in the Catholic intellectual tradition. One of the things that sets St. Michael’s apart is its small class sizes and close-knit community. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 13:1, students have the opportunity to develop close relationships with their professors and classmates. This creates a supportive and collaborative learning environment that helps students thrive academically and personally. St. Michael’s offers a wide range of undergraduate programs in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as several interdisciplinary programs that allow students to explore multiple areas of interest. The college also offers graduate programs in Theology, Celtic Studies, and Medieval Studies, among others. In addition to academic programs, St. Michael’s has a vibrant campus life with numerous clubs, organizations, and events for students to get involved in. The college also offers a range of services and resources to support student success, including academic advising, career services, and wellness support. Overall, St. Michael’s College is a highly respected institution that provides a strong academic foundation and a supportive community for its students. Its commitment to the Catholic intellectual tradition, small class sizes, and interdisciplinary programs make it an excellent choice for students seeking a unique and well-rounded education. In My view, St/Michael’s college is very good school. “

Lili Rose
22 Feb, 2023

” if i could go back to before a certain someone subbing a class (not a student) hit another certain someone (a student) on the head with a roll of papers for taking a 5min nap after finishing their work, i would. seeing as 1 of our mottos was “Tradition never graduates” im reporting this late (7yrs later) much like how the school handled SA cases✌️ “

James McKay
17 May, 2022

” Currently at the school. It’s alright, however some teachers just seem unqualified to teach the curriculum, specifically in the computer engineering course. Some teachers also seem to be qualified, but don’t put enough effort into teaching, I’ve noticed this in the accounting and history department specifically. Two best teachers are Father May, the best religion teacher ever, and Dr. Doyle, the best Latin teacher out there who actually uses Chicago style for history essays. Overall the school is good, decent community spirit, a handful of good teachers, the rest are just okay. “

Joseph Archibald
26 May, 2021

” 90% of the negative comments are from people who have no affiliation with the school and have never spent a day among students and staff. I loved my experience at St. Mikes and the actions of 1% of the student body do not represent the school as a whole. Go Double Blue! “


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