
Sunrise Christian School

Name: Sunrise Christian School
BSID: 668864
Status: active
Open Date: Sep 08, 2021

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Non-Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: K-10
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: Christian
Association: NO associations declared

Region: West Region

Address: 7892 PERTH ROAD 121
Postal Code: N4W3G9
Telephone: 519-595-7434

Principal Name: Allison Bartel
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2021

Sources: Ministry Website

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Sunrise Christian School

Amy Vanderlaan
14 Apr, 2024

” Wonderful school! “

Holly Verkuyl
07 Jul, 2021

” I am pleased to be able to send my children to a school where I know they are loved and cared for. Their teachers join with our family in encouraging Christ-like character, as well as ensuring they are growing academically. I love being part of this school family! “

07 Jul, 2021

” It’s the only place in the County that I wish to send my kids. Love the teachers, their time and the care. Thankful for the families. It’s a wonderful school family to be apart of. “

Jessica Hoornweg
07 Jul, 2021

” I grew up attending Sonrise and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. I knew that was exactly where I wanted my children to go to school. The Christ-centred school atmosphere is warm, welcoming, and caring. My children feel loved and are encouraged to grow in their relationship with Christ and further develop their academic skills. “

25 May, 2020

” I went here in grade seven and hated it. Now, this was for sure partially to do with a higher-than-normal teacher-student ratio among other things, but ultimately my experience was a bad one. There were a couple of kids in my class who were a bit disruptive, and my teachers reacted to these few students by screaming at and punishing the whole class. Often, entire periods were wasted this way. Some teachers would enter my classroom already angry. If trouble was made mostly toward the end of the day, my whole class would be made to stay late, sitting silently with our heads down on our desks, despite the fact that most of the class was well-behaved and that our parents were waiting outside. I witnessed many instances of bullying, especially out at recess, and often the victim would be punished for lashing out or defending themselves, otherwise being ignored. In the end, it took me several years to unlearn the instinct that if a teacher closed the classroom door, it meant that I was about to be screamed at. “


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