Toronto Private High School

Name: Toronto Private High School
BSID: 669920
Status: closed
Open Date: Jul 04, 2006
Closed Date: Jul 02, 2011

Special Conditions Code: All Year Round

Principal Name: Mr David Azoulay

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Toronto Private High School

Olivia Yap
22 Jul, 2024

” My son started at Webtree Academy just last fall. After a terrible experience from the previous private school, we are very happy to have found Webtree Academy. The kindness, patience and continuous support shown from the wonderful teachers and admin team , provided my son with the tools and strength to improve his life especially after covid. The positive attitude towards school and personal growth. I highly recommend Webtree Academy! We look forward to his final year this fall. “

Danny Eid
15 Jul, 2024

” Outstanding Stem & Arts school! I came to see their school play “Alice in wonderland”. It was so well organized and fun. The instructors are very welcoming and supportive of students. Also the learning environment is stimulating and encourages students to be at their best. “

Nancy Aziz
15 Jul, 2024

” Webtree Academy is an excellent place to work, where teachers are valued, students are inspired, and education thrives. I am grateful to be part of such a dynamic and forward-thinking institution. “

Ying Peng
18 Apr, 2024

” My daughter Rachel Wang joined the school in Grade 9. She is in Grade 12 now, with only two more months until she graduates. Two weeks ago, she received a round of offers from universities, including U of T (all 3 campuses), Univ of Waterloo, TMU, Carleton U, basically an offer from every program she applied to. I believe it is time for me to share my thoughts. Firstly, we live in East Gwillimbury, and although the commute takes 3 hours every day, Rachel never complained about getting up early and coming home late. She loves the school and enjoys going there every day. I cannot express enough gratitude for what the school has done for my daughter. The principal has done an exceptional job leading the school and maintaining a great learning environment for the students. All her teachers have been incredibly supportive, and they genuinely care about the students’ success. Rachel wasn’t particularly interested in science before, but since joining the school, she has improved significantly and thoroughly enjoyed her science classes in Grade 9 and 10. This enthusiasm continued as she confidently pursued all math and physics courses in Grade 11 and 12. I give her teachers full credit for this transformation. Over the past four years, I have witnessed my daughter grow into an independent, confident, and diligent young lady who is eagerly anticipating her next journey: university life. I am extremely pleased with my decision to choose this school for my daughter’s secondary education. “

Qiming Zhou
25 Mar, 2024

” I had a really good experience at the school. All the teachers I had are so supportive. They are very experienced and they care about the students a lot. We have a really good learning environment here also. I feel that all the students including myself, are studying very hard towards our academic goals, because the admin office staff went through a well thought study plan for me in the beginning when I just joined the school. So I know what I need to do and what I should to in order to reach my goal. I was aiming to get into a good art and design university program, which all require a good art portfolio besides good grades. My art teacher literally went through every single program’s portfolio requirement with me and gave me a lot of good advices to make sure I was on the right track. I am so grateful for what the school had done for me. I am sure many students from Webtree would feel the same. “


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