
Whitefield Christian Schools

Name: Whitefield Christian Schools
BSID: 875015
Status: active
Open Date: Jan 01, 1990

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Program Type: Site based only
Grade Range: JK-12
Semester type: Semestered/Non-semestered
Special Conditions Code: Not applicable
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: 33
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: Christian
Association: Association of Christian Schools International

Region: East Region

Address: 5808 Finch Ave E
City: Scarborough
Postal Code: M1B4Y6
Telephone: 416-297-1212

Principal Name: Jill Saunders
Principal Start Date: Mar 04, 2019

Sources: Ministry Website

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Whitefield Christian Schools

Daniel Santos
03 May, 2024

” Excellent Christian School! Thankful for my time spent learning here! “

Josh Santos
03 May, 2024

” I attended WCS for 3 years from grade 10-12, it was a great experience, all the teachers were very committed to helping me learn and excel in all the courses I took. The principal, Jill Saunders, personally took time and helped me apply and get accepted into the engineering program at the university I applied to. I felt that all the teaching and administrative staff at Whitefield were dedicated to helping me and all the other students succeed. I would fully recommend Whitefield to anyone looking for a good school for their kids. “

Derick Chow
03 May, 2024

” Alumni here. No, the school is not perfect. Matter of fact, no school is, especially in Toronto. But this place deserves 5 stars (I would give 10, if I could) for the effort that each staff member puts in to maintaining the facility and more importantly, in caring for the spiritual well being of each and every student. If you are looking for an institution that provides your kids with the “Ivy League” education experience, then this is not it. However, if you are looking for a place where your kids can learn the values of loving one another and being loved, then I can testify this is one of the few places that’s left in the city in which these values are embodied across the staff team. As an alumni, all I can say is this place might not produce the best students but they sure do develop good people “

Lisa Wright
31 Dec, 2022

” As a parent of a former student, I am grateful for the education my daughter received not only from an academic experience, but for the unwavering commitment to Godly direction and guidance. Whitefield strives to put God first in all aspects. Your child will be cared for and immersed in a high standard of education. 10 out 10! “

Richard Louis
12 Dec, 2019

” An imperfect but important alternative to the secular education system. Provides discipline and love kids need, as well as grounding in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The exposure to the Bible makes the tuition worth it. Academic/professional standards weaken after grade 8 as the school doesn’t have access to public funding, although this hasn’t stopped graduates from attaining high levels of post-secondary education. Zero tolerance for experimentation with alcohol, sex, vaping, partying etc. reduces peer pressure and lets teens focus on school (although it can backfire once they’re on their own). As many institutions do, it sometimes struggles to find the balance between dogma and the deeper principles of the religion. “


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