
William Academy

Name: William Academy
BSID: 889978
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2013
Closed Date: Aug 31, 2014

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Secondary
School Type: Private Inspected
Grade Range: 9-12
Semester type: Semestered
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: NO associations declared

City: Toronto
Postal Code: M6H4B4
Telephone: 647-797-2817

Principal Name: Jennifer Mansker
Principal Start Date: Sep 01, 2013

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(same principal )

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William Academy

19 Feb, 2023

” A school for rich and entitled Chinese students who are here to game the system. They pay for grades while buying homes, Audis, Porches, designer bags and expensive watches. All while declaring 0 as their net income. This is essentially a money laundering exercise for the Chinese who send their kids to Canada to get an “education” but really, they use it as an excuse to transfer $10-20K a month to their kids account and get that money out of China. Don’t mistake the posed pictures for real life. This place is a sham and if you’re child isn’t Chinese, has no business being there. There is also a reason they have the same handful of non-Chinese “students” in each picture. And none of then are POC. Also, the classrooms are small dingy rooms chalkboards, not the ones in the pictures. There are no labs or real phys ed facilities. It’s in a former office building and is not equipped for teaching and learning. “

Milena Sinyakina
22 Jan, 2023

” This school is disgusting place. My sister doesn’t live in Canada, so she decided to take English classes at this school, while studying at her school in real life. Her schedule from Monday to Friday was really horrible, because she was at her school for 7 hours a day and then online classes at William Academy for 3 hours + all homeworks. Because of the schedule, she was skipping classes sometimes, plus it’s a huge time difference. Her teacher knew her situation and still she was doing all assigments by deadline, she was getting good feedback from the teacher. After the Winter Break, William sent a letter to my family saying that my sister did nothing in two months of school and called her incapable and irresponsible! This person didn’t speak to my sister’s teacher, who had been praising her all this time. My sister did really well in her difficult situation, she was the only one in a class who studied in two schools. We paid tuition money to listen to private inappropriate comments from this “principal”? What kind of school is this? I live in Canada and I have experience with education system here. The William Academy shouldn’t exist. “

Justin Truong
15 Nov, 2021

” Dont take IELTS here! You will definitely lose your mark on the speaking test because of the Asian examiner. Please choose another location to have the test. “

Adam Zhang
28 Aug, 2019

” William’s Academy is a great educational institution without a doubt. Their institution has changed my mindset towards my academic career and mental well-being drastically by the kind hearten principle there. However, there is one major flaw in their summer program. My parents did not pay high tuition simply so that I could get a biased mark but rather so I could be given a second chance to redo a summer course that I did not revive a high grade on and get a high grade through my hard work and preservative. The grades that I received were beyond an accurate representation of my academic abilities. Grades are essential without a doubt as it can make or break your chances of admission when applying to a secondary institution, but what is more important is the academic character of a student. Take, for example, Queen’s University and their commerce program. Take this with a grain of salt, but I believe that once you hit the 87% average, the admission team pays more attention towards your Personal Statement of Experience and Supplementary Information. This means that extra curriculum activities and leadership roles within these roles are what makes a student stand out and thus can change the mindset of a student to have bigger ambitions and dreams, as it did for me when I choose not to give up on my academic career when I got a low mark in Grade 12 English and enroll in William’s Academy to improve that mark. Students need to know how to do an assignment correctly because if they fall into this mindset where they feel that minimal effort will result in an excellent result, the students are in for a dangerous surprise once they reach post-secondary and life in general. I am not saying that the teacher should stop supporting their students, but there needs to be a sense of reality, a wake-up call for the students. A more honest connection between a student and teacher should be implanted because it is better that mistakes are made at an early age such as high school and corrected rather than later in life where instead of grades that are lowered, more important things in the future such as financial stability and the person’s reliability are lost. Behavior that should have been addressed in high school to prevent such a toxic mindset. “

Tn Luan
18 Feb, 2019

” The school offers courses to students when the teachers are not secured. Especially for the summer semester. They actually change the students’ marks by asking them to redo certain assignments after the course was already over. Their files on students are changed to fit their promise; which is as long as you pay enough, you can get the grade you want. They have even asked teachers to help write assignments for the students. They should be inspected again, by surprise, so the real ability of the students and the school can be assessed. “


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